Mapfile conventions
File format
- UTF-8 encoding (without BOM)
- WEB METADATA “wms_encoding” “UTF-8”
- Indentation with two spaces (no tabs)
Basic structure
Mapfiles have to deliver a correct WMS service. See
Topic and layer information are extracted from regular mapfile objects and additional METADATA entries.
Used Mapfile entries:
- MAP NAME: Name of topic (without umlauts and special characters except ‘-‘)
- LAYER NAME: Name of layer (without umlauts and special characters except ‘-‘)
Queriable layers
"wms_include_items" "oid"
"gml_include_items" "oid"
"gml_lk_text_alias" "oid"
TEMPLATE "blank.html"
Layer properties
To set the search radius for info queries, add a METADATA entry “gb_searchdistance”. Example:
"gb_searchdistance" "5"
Display order in layer tree:
"gb_toc_sort" "0" <!--
falls Reihenfolge nicht analog Layerreihenfolge in Mapfile sein soll -->
Selection style:
Default styling can be overwritten with a METADATA entry “gb_selection_style”. Examples:
"gb_selection_style" "<PolygonSymbolizer><Fill><CssParameter name='fill'>#ff0090</CssParameter></Fill></PolygonSymbolizer>"
"gb_selection_style" "<LineSymbolizer><Stroke><CssParameter name='stroke'>#ff0090</CssParameter><CssParameter name='stroke-width'>10.00</CssParameter></Stroke></LineSymbolizer>"
"gb_selection_style" "<PointSymbolizer><Graphic><Mark><WellKnownName>circle</WellKnownName><Fill><CssParameter name='fill'>#ff0090</CssParameter></Fill></Mark><Size>45.0</Size></Graphic></PointSymbolizer>"
Import topic from Mapfile
Import the mapfile into a new topic:
rake mapfile:import_topic MAPFILE=mapconfig/